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Best Torrents: The Top 30 Torrent Download Sites of 2012Updated May 11, 2016. Disclaimer: About.com does not condone the illegal sharing of copyrighted files. Please use good judgment when using a torrent file-sharing site. This list is in random order. continue reading below our video Play Video Disclaimer and legal warning for new torrent users: About.com does not condone illegal sharing of copyrighted material. ISP warning: your ISP may choose to release logs of your downloading/uploading activity to potential copyright plaintiffs.Android 2.2 Froyo Emulator for PC and Mac OS XLike the iPhone OS and most other mobile operating systems, developers can typically access an emulator in order to test out apps on their computer before on an actual device. This is made possible via the SDK (Software Development Kit), which is also where devs access the tools and resources necessary to build apps. Unlike the iPhone OS SDK and Microsoft's SDK, thankfully the Android SDK is available for both Windows and Mac. Here's what you will need to do to access the Android 2.2 Froyo Emulator: 1. First download the Android SDK for either Mac or Windows 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The emulator should open automatically and you will be able to try out Android Froyo! Note: This is of course an extremely early build of Android Froyo and is missing many of the components you may expect. 1. 2. 3. 4. [via Gizmodo]
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Cracker le mot de passe de Windows 7 (et XP et Vista)Cette semaine, j'ai sauvé mon frangin d'un backup et d'une resintall de son Windows... Celui-ci avait simplement oublié son mot de passe. Oui, ça arrive plus souvent qu'on ne croit. Cette technique est 100% légale si vous l'utilisez bien sûr uniquement sur votre ordinateur et pas à l'insu de quelqu'un. Cet outil, j'en ai parlé sur le blog en septembre 2004 mais sans aller dans les détails. Dans le même genre, il y a aussi KonBoot dont j'ai déjà parlé, qui fonctionne sur le même principe. Et hop, plus de password ! Rejoignez les 59345 korbenautes et réveillez le bidouilleur qui est en vous Suivez KorbenUn jour ça vous sauvera la vie..IOC - Institut Obert de CatalunyaDetails Last Updated on Monday, 07 April 2014 13:41 El Parlament Europeu ha aprovat el programa Erasmus + per al període 2014-2020, El nou programa Erasmus + s'emmarca en l'estratègia Europa 2020, en l'estratègia Educació i Formació 2020 i en l'estratègia Rethinking Education i engloba totes les iniciatives d'educació, formació, joventut i esport. En matèria educativa abasta tots els nivells: escolar, formació professional, ensenyament superior i formació de persones adultes. Amb l'experiència prèvia del Programa d'Aprenentatge Permanent, l'IOC ofereix un seminari de formació enmarcada en l'acció KA1 que dona oportunitats de formació per a individus, dins i fora la UE: estudi i formació. Seminari Erasmus+ IOC
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I 25 migliori siti torrent aggiornati a Marzo 2008 « Sesto Potere – Il mio blogBitTorrent's popularity is growing every day. Despite efforts from anti-piracy outfits such as the MPAA and IFPI, torrent sites continue to grow traffic wise, and there is no sign that this trend will be brought to a halt anytime soon. We decided to compile a list of the 25 most popular BitTorrent sites, and see how their (relative) popularity has grown over the past three months. Out of the 25 sites in the list, 21 improved their ranking in Alexa's list of most popular sites on the Internet. There are a few changes in the top 10 compared to the list of 2007's top torrent sites. YouTorrent is the only newcomer, and it's really impressive that the site made it into the top 25 only 2 months after its launch. Top 25 torrent sites March 2008 Note: Alexa's data gathering is not perfect. Vi ricordo che TorrentSpy ci ha abbandonato pochi giorni fa Fonte | TorrentFreak Per la classfica finale del 2008 vi rimando a quest'altro mio articolo digg Mi piace: Mi piace Caricamento...
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Best Torrents: The Top 30 Torrent Download Sites of 2012Updated May 11, 2016. Disclaimer: About.com does not condone the illegal sharing of copyrighted files. Please use good judgment when using a torrent file-sharing site. This list is in random order. continue reading below our video Play Video Disclaimer and legal warning for new torrent users: About.com does not condone illegal sharing of copyrighted material. ISP warning: your ISP may choose to release logs of your downloading/uploading activity to potential copyright plaintiffs.Android 2.2 Froyo Emulator for PC and Mac OS XLike the iPhone OS and most other mobile operating systems, developers can typically access an emulator in order to test out apps on their computer before on an actual device. This is made possible via the SDK (Software Development Kit), which is also where devs access the tools and resources necessary to build apps. Unlike the iPhone OS SDK and Microsoft's SDK, thankfully the Android SDK is available for both Windows and Mac. Here's what you will need to do to access the Android 2.2 Froyo Emulator: 1. First download the Android SDK for either Mac or Windows 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The emulator should open automatically and you will be able to try out Android Froyo! Note: This is of course an extremely early build of Android Froyo and is missing many of the components you may expect. 1. 2. 3. 4. [via Gizmodo]
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Cracker le mot de passe de Windows 7 (et XP et Vista)Cette semaine, j'ai sauvé mon frangin d'un backup et d'une resintall de son Windows... Celui-ci avait simplement oublié son mot de passe. Oui, ça arrive plus souvent qu'on ne croit. Cette technique est 100% légale si vous l'utilisez bien sûr uniquement sur votre ordinateur et pas à l'insu de quelqu'un. Cet outil, j'en ai parlé sur le blog en septembre 2004 mais sans aller dans les détails. Dans le même genre, il y a aussi KonBoot dont j'ai déjà parlé, qui fonctionne sur le même principe. Et hop, plus de password ! Rejoignez les 59345 korbenautes et réveillez le bidouilleur qui est en vous Suivez KorbenUn jour ça vous sauvera la vie..IOC - Institut Obert de CatalunyaDetails Last Updated on Monday, 07 April 2014 13:41 El Parlament Europeu ha aprovat el programa Erasmus + per al període 2014-2020, El nou programa Erasmus + s'emmarca en l'estratègia Europa 2020, en l'estratègia Educació i Formació 2020 i en l'estratègia Rethinking Education i engloba totes les iniciatives d'educació, formació, joventut i esport. En matèria educativa abasta tots els nivells: escolar, formació professional, ensenyament superior i formació de persones adultes. Amb l'experiència prèvia del Programa d'Aprenentatge Permanent, l'IOC ofereix un seminari de formació enmarcada en l'acció KA1 que dona oportunitats de formació per a individus, dins i fora la UE: estudi i formació. Seminari Erasmus+ IOC
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I 25 migliori siti torrent aggiornati a Marzo 2008 « Sesto Potere – Il mio blogBitTorrent's popularity is growing every day. Despite efforts from anti-piracy outfits such as the MPAA and IFPI, torrent sites continue to grow traffic wise, and there is no sign that this trend will be brought to a halt anytime soon. We decided to compile a list of the 25 most popular BitTorrent sites, and see how their (relative) popularity has grown over the past three months. Out of the 25 sites in the list, 21 improved their ranking in Alexa's list of most popular sites on the Internet. There are a few changes in the top 10 compared to the list of 2007's top torrent sites. YouTorrent is the only newcomer, and it's really impressive that the site made it into the top 25 only 2 months after its launch. Top 25 torrent sites March 2008 Note: Alexa's data gathering is not perfect. Vi ricordo che TorrentSpy ci ha abbandonato pochi giorni fa Fonte | TorrentFreak Per la classfica finale del 2008 vi rimando a quest'altro mio articolo digg Mi piace: Mi piace Caricamento...
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iFabbroWebAccedendo a 'iFabbroWEB' (in seguito 'noi', 'nostro', 'iFabbroWEB', ' l'utente accetta di essere vincolato legalmente alle seguenti condizioni d'uso. Se non accetti di essere limitato legalmente alle condizioni d'uso seguenti non utilizzare i servizi offerti da 'iFabbroWEB'. Le condizioni d'uso possono cambiare in qualunque momento, sarà nostra premura avvisarti di tali modifiche, benché sia opportuno controllare con frequenza queste pagine per eventuali modifiche, dato che l'uso continuato dei servizi di 'iFabbroWEB' implica la completa accettazione delle condizioni d'uso. 'iFabbroWEB' utilizza il sistema phpBB (in seguito 'loro', 'phpBB software', 'www.phpbb.com', 'phpBB Group', 'phpBB Teams') che è un software per la creazione di comunità web rilasciata sotto ' General Public License ' (in seguito 'GPL') liberamente scaricabile da www.phpbb.com .
Illustrator Tip #30: Sticky Post NoteThis quick Illustrator tutorial will show you how to create a nice vector sticky post note using Illustrator. It is actually a very useful design element where you can use for magazines, brochures and even website. Add your custom message on the sticky post to get more eyeballs on your design. Let's see how it is done in Illustrator. 1. First use the Pen tool to draw the shape of the sticky post note. 2. 3. 4. Finally, apply a Feather of 14px to the black shadow to make the edges soft. [The article is for Basic Members only. See the list of all Illustrator tutorials. About The Author: Tony Soh Hi.El blog de pico.dev
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I migliori siti italiani da cui scaricare .torrentI file torrent sono molto utilizzati dagli utenti, in quanto permettono di scaricare file di diverso tipo sul proprio computer attraverso un client appropriato, ad esempio BitTorrent. Come saprete, molti servizi di P2P sono stati bloccati e Google sta ordinando il blocco di termini come torret o Megaupload. La situazione, dunque, non si prospetta proprio rosea per chi intende scaricare film, musica e file in PDF, utilizzando questi programmi. Per trovare un file .torrent, basta digitare il nome del relativo file che stiamo cercando, oppure concentrarci sulla dimensione, sui codici di verifica del trasferimento dati e sull'indirizzo dei tracker per capire la fonte dalla quale sarà scaricato il file ricercato. Tutte queste informazioni sono contenute all'interno dello stesso file. Vi forniamo, in questo articolo, una lista dei migliori siti di torrent italiani e stranieri che vi aiuteranno nella ricerca di file .torrent. Siti italiani: 17 condivisioni e commenti Condividi e commenta!
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